Unlocking the Power of FreeSWITCH: Mastering Mod AVMD for Efficient Voicemail Detection and Session Limitation
Image by Gotthart - hkhazo.biz.id

Unlocking the Power of FreeSWITCH: Mastering Mod AVMD for Efficient Voicemail Detection and Session Limitation

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Are you tired of dealing with inefficient voicemail detection and session limitation in your FreeSWITCH setup? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the world of Mod AVMD, a powerful module that empowers you to take control of your FreeSWITCH system. By the end of this article, you’ll be equipped with the knowledge to detect voicemails with precision and limit sessions with ease, ensuring a seamless communication experience for your users.

The Mod AVMD Module: A Brief Overview

Mod AVMD, short for Audio/Video Module for Detecting, is a versatile module that enables advanced audio and video detection capabilities in FreeSWITCH. This module is designed to identify various audio and video patterns, allowing you to create custom call flows and automate tasks with precision. In the context of voicemail detection and session limitation, Mod AVMD plays a vital role in ensuring efficient call management and reducing system resource utilization.

Installing and Configuring Mod AVMD

Before we dive into the meat of this article, let’s cover the basics. To use Mod AVMD, you’ll need to install and configure it correctly. Follow these steps:

  1. Install Mod AVMD using the following command: fs_install mod_avmd
  2. Edit the modules.conf file to load the Mod AVMD module: load mod_avmd
  3. Rename the avmd.conf.xml file to match your system’s configuration: cp avmd.conf.xml.sample avmd.conf.xml
  4. Configure the avmd.conf.xml file according to your specific needs (we’ll cover this in more detail later)

Detecting Voicemails with Mod AVMD

Voicemail detection is a critical aspect of any IP PBX system. Mod AVMD provides an efficient way to detect voicemails using advanced audio pattern recognition. Here’s how to configure Mod AVMD for voicemail detection:

Configuring avmd.conf.xml for Voicemail Detection

Edit the avmd.conf.xml file and add the following configuration:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <profile name="voicemail">

In this example, we’re defining a voicemail detection profile with two patterns: “beep” and “vm-greeting”. These patterns are used to identify the audio signals typically present in voicemail greetings.

Using the Voicemail Detection Profile in Your Dialplan

Once you’ve configured the avmd.conf.xml file, you can use the voicemail detection profile in your dialplan. Here’s an example:

<extension name="Voicemail Detection">
  <condition field="destination_number" expression="^100$">
    <action application="avmd" data="detect voicemail"/>
    <action application="log" data="INFO Voicemail detected!"/>

In this example, we’re using the avmd application to detect voicemail when the destination number is 100. If voicemail is detected, the system will log a message indicating that voicemail was detected.

Limiting Sessions with Mod AVMD

In addition to voicemail detection, Mod AVMD can also be used to limit sessions. This feature is particularly useful in preventing abuse and reducing system resource utilization. Here’s how to configure Mod AVMD for session limitation:

Configuring avmd.conf.xml for Session Limitation

Edit the avmd.conf.xml file and add the following configuration:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
    <profile name="session_limit">

In this example, we’re defining a session limitation profile with a maximum of 10 concurrent sessions and a timeout of 300 seconds.

Using the Session Limitation Profile in Your Dialplan

Once you’ve configured the avmd.conf.xml file, you can use the session limitation profile in your dialplan. Here’s an example:

<extension name="Session Limitation">
  <condition field="destination_number" expression="^200$">
    <action application="avmd" data="limit session_limit"/>
    <action application="log" data="INFO Session limit reached!"/>

In this example, we’re using the avmd application to limit sessions when the destination number is 200. If the session limit is reached, the system will log a message indicating that the session limit was reached.

Troubleshooting and Optimization

As with any complex system, troubleshooting and optimization are essential to ensure that Mod AVMD is working efficiently. Here are some tips to help you troubleshoot and optimize your Mod AVMD setup:

  • Check the Mod AVMD logs for errors and warnings: fs_cli -x "avmd log"
  • Use the avmd-cli tool to test audio patterns and detect voicemails: avmd-cli -p voicemail -d "beep vm-greeting"
  • Optimize your audio patterns for better detection accuracy: Experiment with different pattern combinations and adjust the sensitivity threshold
  • Monitor system resource utilization and adjust the Mod AVMD configuration accordingly: fs_chk -v
Troubleshooting Scenario Solution
Voicemail detection is not working Check the audio patterns and adjust the sensitivity threshold. Ensure that the voicemail detection profile is correctly configured in the avmd.conf.xml file.
Sessions are not being limited Verify that the session limitation profile is correctly configured in the avmd.conf.xml file. Check the system logs for errors and warnings related to Mod AVMD.

By following these troubleshooting and optimization tips, you’ll be able to identify and resolve common issues, ensuring that your Mod AVMD setup is running efficiently and effectively.


In this comprehensive guide, we’ve covered the basics of Mod AVMD, including installation, configuration, and troubleshooting. By mastering Mod AVMD, you’ll be able to detect voicemails with precision and limit sessions with ease, ensuring a seamless communication experience for your users. Remember to optimize your Mod AVMD setup regularly to ensure maximum efficiency and performance.

With the power of Mod AVMD at your fingertips, you’ll be empowered to take your FreeSWITCH system to the next level. So go ahead, unlock the full potential of Mod AVMD, and experience the difference it can make in your communication system.

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Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about Mod AVMD FreeSWITCH limit session detect voicemail!

What is Mod AVMD in FreeSWITCH, and how does it relate to session limit detection and voicemail?

Mod AVMD is a module in FreeSWITCH that enables Advanced Voicemail Detection (AVMD). It’s designed to detect voicemail systems and limit the number of sessions to prevent abuse. Think of it as a digital bouncer, ensuring that your system isn’t overwhelmed by unwanted calls.

How does Mod AVMD detect voicemail systems in FreeSWITCH?

Mod AVMD uses a combination of audio fingerprinting and speech recognition to identify voicemail systems. It analyzes the audio patterns and speech from the called party to determine if it’s a voicemail system or a human. This advanced technology allows for accurate detection and efficient session management.

What is the purpose of limiting sessions in Mod AVMD FreeSWITCH?

Limiting sessions in Mod AVMD FreeSWITCH is crucial to prevent abuse and protect your system from overload. By restricting the number of concurrent sessions, you can prevent malicious activities, such as toll fraud, and ensure that your system remains stable and efficient.

Can I customize the session limit in Mod AVMD FreeSWITCH?

Yes, you can customize the session limit in Mod AVMD FreeSWITCH to suit your specific needs. The module provides configuration options to set the maximum number of concurrent sessions, allowing you to fine-tune your system for optimal performance and security.

Does Mod AVMD FreeSWITCH support multiple voicemail detection algorithms?

Yes, Mod AVMD FreeSWITCH supports multiple voicemail detection algorithms, including audio fingerprinting, speech recognition, and more. This allows you to choose the best approach for your specific use case, ensuring accurate detection and efficient session management.

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