Raspberry Pi IP Routing: The Mystery of the Default ETH0 with Metrics 100
Image by Gotthart - hkhazo.biz.id

Raspberry Pi IP Routing: The Mystery of the Default ETH0 with Metrics 100

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Are you tired of dealing with the frustrations of Raspberry Pi IP routing? Have you noticed that your Raspberry Pi keeps adding a default route for eth0 with metrics 100, no matter how hard you try to configure it otherwise? You’re not alone! In this article, we’ll dive into the mysteries of Raspberry Pi IP routing and provide you with clear, step-by-step instructions to take control of your network configuration.

The Problem: Default ETH0 with Metrics 100

So, what’s going on here? Why does your Raspberry Pi insist on adding a default route for eth0 with metrics 100, even when you’ve specifically configured it to use a different interface or metric? The answer lies in the way Linux handles network interfaces and routing.

In Linux, the routing table is managed by the kernel, which uses a set of rules to determine the best route for outgoing traffic. The `eth0` interface is typically the default interface for most Raspberry Pi setups, and the kernel will automatically add a default route for this interface with a metric of 100. This means that any traffic not specifically routed to another interface will be sent through `eth0`.

Understanding Metrics in IP Routing

But what do metrics have to do with anything? In IP routing, metrics are used to determine the priority of each route. A lower metric indicates a higher priority, while a higher metric indicates a lower priority. In the case of the default `eth0` route, the metric of 100 is relatively high, which means it will only be used as a last resort.

So, why does this matter? Well, if you’re trying to configure your Raspberry Pi to use a different interface or metric, the default `eth0` route with metrics 100 can interfere with your settings. This can cause all sorts of problems, from dropped packets to slow network performance.

Fixing the Problem: Configuring IP Routing on Raspberry Pi

Now that we understand the problem, let’s get to the solution! To fix the issue of the default `eth0` route with metrics 100, we’ll need to configure our Raspberry Pi’s IP routing settings. Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Check Your Current Routing Table

First, let’s take a look at our current routing table using the `route` command:

route -n

This will display a list of all the routes currently configured on your Raspberry Pi, including the default `eth0` route with metrics 100.

Step 2: Delete the Default ETH0 Route

Next, we’ll delete the default `eth0` route using the `ip` command:

ip route del default dev eth0

This will remove the default `eth0` route from the routing table.

Step 3: Add a New Default Route

Now, let’s add a new default route using the `ip` command:

ip route add default via ip_address dev interface metric metric

Replace `ip_address` with the IP address of your gateway, `interface` with the name of the interface you want to use (e.g. `wlan0`), and `metric` with the metric you want to use (e.g. `50`).

Step 4: Verify Your Changes

Finally, let’s verify that our changes have taken effect using the `route` command again:

route -n

This should display the new default route we added in Step 3, with the metric we specified.

Configuring IP Routing with `/etc/network/interfaces`

Alternatively, you can configure IP routing using the `/etc/network/interfaces` file. This file is used to configure network interfaces and routing on Debian-based systems, including Raspberry Pi.

To configure IP routing with `/etc/network/interfaces`, follow these steps:

Step 1: Edit the `/etc/network/interfaces` File

Open the `/etc/network/interfaces` file in a text editor using the following command:

sudo nano /etc/network/interfaces

Step 2: Add a New Interface Configuration

Add a new interface configuration block to the file, specifying the interface, IP address, and metric:

iface interface inet static
    address ip_address
    netmask netmask
    gateway gateway_ip
    metric metric

Replace `interface` with the name of the interface (e.g. `wlan0`), `ip_address` with the IP address, `netmask` with the netmask, `gateway_ip` with the gateway IP address, and `metric` with the metric.

Step 3: Save and Restart Networking

Save the changes to the `/etc/network/interfaces` file and restart the networking service using the following command:

sudo service networking restart

This will apply the new interface configuration and update the routing table.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Here are some common issues you may encounter when configuring IP routing on your Raspberry Pi:

Issue 1: Default ETH0 Route Still Present

If you’ve followed the steps above and the default `eth0` route is still present, try restarting the networking service using the following command:

sudo service networking restart

This should force the kernel to re-read the routing table and update the default route.

Issue 2: Routing Table Not Updating

If the routing table is not updating as expected, try using the `ip route flush cache` command to clear the routing cache:

ip route flush cache

This should force the kernel to re-calculate the routing table and update the default route.

Issue 3: Connectivity Issues

If you’re experiencing connectivity issues after configuring IP routing, try checking the following:

  • Ensure that the IP address and subnet mask are correct for the interface.
  • Verify that the gateway IP address is correct and reachable.
  • Check that the metric is set correctly and is not conflicting with other routes.

If none of these solutions work, try resetting the routing table to its default state using the following command:

ip route flush all

This will remove all routes from the routing table and allow you to start from scratch.


Configuring IP routing on your Raspberry Pi can be a complex and frustrating process, especially when dealing with the default `eth0` route with metrics 100. However, by following the steps outlined in this article, you should be able to take control of your network configuration and ensure that your Raspberry Pi is routing traffic correctly.

Remember to carefully plan and test your routing configuration to avoid any potential issues, and don’t hesitate to reach out for further assistance if you need it.

Resource Description
Raspberry Pi TCP/IP Configuration A comprehensive guide to configuring TCP/IP on Raspberry Pi.
Route Command Documentation Official documentation for the `route` command.
IP Route Command Documentation Official documentation for the `ip route` command.

By mastering IP routing on your Raspberry Pi, you’ll be able to unlock the full potential of your device and create complex network configurations with ease. Happy routing!

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with Raspberry Pi IP routing issues? We’ve got you covered! Here are some frequently asked questions and answers to help you troubleshoot and overcome the pesky default eth0 metric 100 problem.

Why does Raspberry Pi keep adding a default route with metric 100 on eth0?

This happens because Raspberry Pi’s default network configuration uses a metric of 100 for the eth0 interface. This can cause issues when you’re trying to set up IP routing, as the default route with metric 100 takes priority over other routes with higher metrics. To fix this, you can set the metric to a higher value or delete the default route altogether.

How do I prevent Raspberry Pi from adding a default route on eth0?

You can prevent Raspberry Pi from adding a default route on eth0 by editing the network configuration file. Add the following lines to the `/etc/dhcpcd.conf` file: `nogateway` and `nodhcp` on the `interface eth0` section. This will prevent the Raspberry Pi from setting a default route on eth0.

What’s the difference between metric 100 and other metric values?

The metric value determines the priority of a route. A lower metric value means a higher priority, while a higher metric value means a lower priority. In the case of Raspberry Pi, a metric of 100 is set by default, which can cause issues when you’re trying to set up IP routing. By setting a higher metric value, you can ensure that your custom routes take priority over the default route.

Can I use a static IP address to avoid issues with default routes?

Yes, using a static IP address can help avoid issues with default routes. By setting a static IP address, you can ensure that your Raspberry Pi uses the IP address and configuration you specify, rather than relying on DHCP. However, keep in mind that you’ll still need to configure your routing table correctly to ensure that traffic is routed properly.

How do I troubleshoot IP routing issues on my Raspberry Pi?

To troubleshoot IP routing issues on your Raspberry Pi, use the `ip route` command to display the current routing table. Check for any duplicate or conflicting routes, and use the `ip route del` command to delete any unnecessary routes. You can also use tools like `tcpdump` and `Wireshark` to capture and analyze network traffic to help identify the issue.