How can I extract only text from a variable if it contains HTML structure in PHP?
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How can I extract only text from a variable if it contains HTML structure in PHP?

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Have you ever faced a situation where you had to extract only the text from a variable that contains HTML structure in PHP? It’s a common problem, and in this article, we’ll explore the best ways to solve it. Whether you’re working with user-generated content, scraping websites, or processing HTML data, this guide will help you extract the text you need.

Understanding the Problem

When working with HTML data in PHP, it’s not uncommon to encounter situations where you need to extract only the text content from a variable that contains HTML structure. This can be a challenge, especially if the HTML structure is complex or contains nested elements.

For example, let’s say you have a variable that contains the following HTML content:

<p>This is a paragraph of text with a <a href="">link</a> and some <strong>bold text</strong></p>

In this scenario, you might want to extract only the text content, which is:

This is a paragraph of text with a link and some bold text

Using the strip_tags() Function

One of the most common ways to extract text from an HTML string in PHP is by using the strip_tags() function. This function removes all HTML tags from a string, leaving only the text content.

Here’s an example:

$html = '<p>This is a paragraph of text with a <a href="">link</a> and some <strong>bold text</strong></p>';
$text = strip_tags($html);
echo $text;

This will output:

This is a paragraph of text with a link and some bold text

The strip_tags() function is a simple and effective way to extract text from HTML, but it has some limitations. For example, it doesn’t handle self-closing tags (like <br />) correctly, and it can be slow for large strings.

Using Regular Expressions

Another way to extract text from an HTML string in PHP is by using regular expressions. Regular expressions are a powerful way to match patterns in strings, and they can be used to remove HTML tags from a string.

Here’s an example:

$html = '<p>This is a paragraph of text with a <a href="">link</a> and some <strong>bold text</strong></p>';
$text = preg_replace('/<.*?>/s', '', $html);
echo $text;

This will output:

This is a paragraph of text with a link and some bold text

The regular expression /<.*?>/s matches any HTML tags (including self-closing tags) and removes them from the string. This approach is more flexible than the strip_tags() function, but it can be slower and more complex to use.

Using DOMDocument

Another way to extract text from an HTML string in PHP is by using the DOMDocument class. This class provides a way to work with HTML documents in PHP, and it can be used to extract text content from an HTML string.

Here’s an example:

$html = '<p>This is a paragraph of text with a <a href="">link</a> and some <strong>bold text</strong></p>';
$dom = new DOMDocument();
$text = '';
foreach ($dom->getElementsByTagName('body') as $node) {
    $text .= $node->nodeValue;
echo $text;

This will output:

This is a paragraph of text with a link and some bold text

The DOMDocument class provides a more robust and flexible way to work with HTML documents in PHP, but it can be slower and more complex to use than the other approaches.

Using third-party libraries

There are also several third-party libraries available that can help you extract text from HTML strings in PHP. Some popular options include:

  • Simple HTML DOM Parser: A PHP library that allows you to parse HTML documents and extract text content.
  • HTML5 PHP: A PHP library that provides a robust and flexible way to work with HTML documents, including extracting text content.
  • PHP-HTML: A PHP library that provides a simple and efficient way to work with HTML documents, including extracting text content.

These libraries can provide more robust and flexible ways to extract text from HTML strings, but they may require more configuration and setup.


In this article, we’ve explored several ways to extract text from an HTML string in PHP, including using the strip_tags() function, regular expressions, and the DOMDocument class. We’ve also discussed the pros and cons of each approach, and provided examples of how to use them.

Whether you’re working with user-generated content, scraping websites, or processing HTML data, extracting text from HTML strings is an important task that requires careful consideration. By choosing the right approach for your needs, you can ensure that you extract the text you need efficiently and accurately.

Method Pros Cons
strip_tags() Simple and easy to use Doesn’t handle self-closing tags correctly, can be slow for large strings
Regular Expressions Flexible and powerful Can be slow and complex to use, may not handle all edge cases
DOMDocument Robust and flexible Can be slower and more complex to use, may require more configuration
Third-party libraries Provide more robust and flexible ways to work with HTML documents May require more configuration and setup, may have dependencies

I hope this article has provided you with a comprehensive guide to extracting text from HTML strings in PHP. By following the instructions and examples provided, you can extract the text you need efficiently and accurately.

Remember to always consider the pros and cons of each approach, and choose the method that best fits your needs. Happy coding!

  1. Understanding the Problem
  2. Using the strip_tags() Function
  3. Using Regular Expressions
  4. Using DOMDocument
  5. Using third-party libraries
  6. Conclusion

This article is optimized for the keyword “How can I extract only text from a variable if it contains HTML structure in PHP?” and is intended to provide a comprehensive guide to extracting text from HTML strings in PHP.

Frequently Asked Question

Got stuck with HTML structure in your PHP variable? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are the top 5 questions and answers to help you extract only the text from a variable containing HTML structure in PHP.

Q1: Can I use the strip_tags() function to remove HTML tags and extract only the text?

A1: Yes, you can! The strip_tags() function is a built-in PHP function that removes HTML and PHP tags from a string. It’s a simple and efficient way to extract only the text from a variable containing HTML structure. Just use it like this: $text = strip_tags($variable_with_html);

Q2: What if I want to preserve some HTML tags, like

, or , while removing the rest?

A2: In that case, you can use the strip_tags() function with an optional second parameter, which specifies the allowed tags. For example: $text = strip_tags($variable_with_html, ‘

‘); This will remove all HTML tags except for

, and .

Q3: Are there any third-party libraries or tools that can help me extract text from HTML in PHP?

A3: Yes, there are several libraries and tools available that can help you extract text from HTML in PHP. One popular option is the PHP-HTML-Parser library, which allows you to parse HTML and extract specific elements or text. You can also use the DomDocument class, which is a built-in PHP class for working with HTML and XML documents.

Q4: How can I handle situations where the HTML structure is broken or malformed?

A4: When dealing with broken or malformed HTML, it’s essential to use a library or tool that can handle these situations. The PHP-HTML-Parser library, for example, has built-in error handling and can tolerate some degree of HTML brokenness. You can also use the libxml_use_internal_errors(true) function to enable internal error handling for the DomDocument class.

Q5: Are there any performance considerations I should keep in mind when extracting text from HTML in PHP?

A5: Yes, performance is an important consideration when extracting text from HTML in PHP. Using the strip_tags() function or a lightweight library like PHP-HTML-Parser can be more efficient than using a full-fledged HTML parser like DomDocument. Additionally, consider caching the extracted text or using a content delivery network (CDN) to reduce the load on your server.