Git Remote HTTP Binary Blues: A Step-by-Step Guide to Resolving the –with-curl Conundrum
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Git Remote HTTP Binary Blues: A Step-by-Step Guide to Resolving the –with-curl Conundrum

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Are you tired of being left high and dry after compiling Git with the –with-curl option, only to find that the git-remote-http binary is nowhere to be found? You’re not alone! Many developers have fallen victim to this frustrating issue, but fear not, dear reader, for we’re about to embark on a journey to rectify this problem once and for all.

Understanding the Problem

When you compile Git with the –with-curl option, you’re essentially telling the build process to use the curl library to enable HTTP support. Sounds straightforward, right? Unfortunately, this option can sometimes lead to the git-remote-http binary being missing in action. But why does this happen?

The Culprit: Missing Dependencies

The root of the problem lies in the lack of required dependencies during the compilation process. Specifically, the libcurl4-openssl-dev package is often overlooked, which is essential for building the git-remote-http binary. Without it, the binary will not be generated, leaving you with a half-baked Git installation.

Solution Time!

Now that we’ve identified the problem, let’s dive into the solution. Follow these steps to ensure you have a fully functional Git installation with the git-remote-http binary:

Step 1: Install Required Dependencies

Before recompiling Git, make sure you have the necessary dependencies installed. On Ubuntu-based systems, run the following command:

sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install libcurl4-openssl-dev libexpat1-dev gettext libssl-dev libghc-zlib-dev

For other Linux distributions, use the equivalent package manager to install the required dependencies.

Step 2: Recompile Git with –with-curl Option

Once the dependencies are in place, it’s time to recompile Git with the –with-curl option. You can do this by running the following commands:

cd ~/git-src
make clean
./configure --with-curl
make install

Replace ~/git-src with the path to your Git source directory.

Step 3: Verify the git-remote-http Binary

After recompiling and installing Git, verify that the git-remote-http binary has been generated:

which git-remote-http

If everything went smoothly, you should see the path to the git-remote-http binary. If not, go back and check that you’ve installed the required dependencies correctly.

Troubleshooting Tips

In case you’re still experiencing issues, here are some troubleshooting tips to help you overcome common obstacles:

Check for library versions

Ensure that you’re using the correct version of the libcurl library. You can check the version by running:

curl-config --version

If you’re using an older version, consider upgrading to the latest version.

Verify configure options

Double-check that the –with-curl option was successfully enabled during the configure process. You can do this by running:

./configure --help | grep curl

This command should display the –with-curl option as enabled.

Review compilation logs

If you’re still stuck, review the compilation logs to identify any errors or warnings related to the git-remote-http binary:

make && make install > compile.log

Inspect the compile.log file for any clues that might indicate the source of the problem.


With these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should now have a fully functional Git installation with the git-remote-http binary. Remember to always verify the installation by checking the binary’s presence after compilation. Don’t let the –with-curl option catch you off guard again!

Dependency Purpose
libcurl4-openssl-dev Required for building the git-remote-http binary
libexpat1-dev Required for XML parsing
gettext Required for internationalization
libssl-dev Required for SSL/TLS support
libghc-zlib-dev Required for zlib compression

This table summarizes the required dependencies for compiling Git with the –with-curl option. Make sure to install these dependencies before recompiling Git.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Q: Why do I need to recompile Git with the –with-curl option?

    A: The –with-curl option enables HTTP support in Git, allowing you to access remote repositories over HTTP.

  2. Q: What if I’m using a different package manager, such as yum or pacman?

    A: You can use the equivalent package manager commands to install the required dependencies.

  3. Q: Can I use a pre-compiled Git binary instead of compiling from source?

    A: Yes, you can use a pre-compiled Git binary, but you may still encounter issues with the git-remote-http binary. Compiling from source ensures that you have full control over the build process.

By following these steps and troubleshooting tips, you should be able to resolve the issue with the missing git-remote-http binary after compiling Git with the –with-curl option. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your burning questions about compiling Git with the –with-curl option and troubleshooting the elusive git-remote-http binary!

Q: What is the purpose of compiling Git with the –with-curl option?

Compiling Git with the –with-curl option enables the git-remote-http binary, which allows Git to access remote repositories using HTTP and HTTPS protocols. This option is essential for fetching and pushing code to online platforms like GitHub, GitLab, or Bitbucket.

Q: Why can’t I find the git-remote-http binary after compiling Git with the –with-curl option?

Check if you have correctly configured the Git build process by specifying the –with-curl option. Ensure that your system has a working curl installation and that you have not skipped the curl dependency during the build process. Double-check your configure command and Makefile to ensure that curl support is enabled.

Q: What are the common issues that prevent the git-remote-http binary from being generated?

Common issues that may prevent the git-remote-http binary from being generated include missing or outdated curl libraries, incorrect configuration of the build process, or incomplete installation of dependencies. Additionally, issues with the build environment, such as incompatible compiler versions or missing development libraries, can also hinder the creation of the git-remote-http binary.

Q: How can I verify if the git-remote-http binary is correctly generated and installed?

After completing the build process, verify the existence of the git-remote-http binary by checking the Git installation directory (usually /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin). You can also run the command `git remote-http –version` to check if the binary is functional. If everything is set up correctly, you should see the version number of the git-remote-http binary.

Q: What should I do if I still can’t get the git-remote-http binary to work after troubleshooting?

If you’re still struggling to get the git-remote-http binary to work, consider seeking help from online communities or forums dedicated to Git development and troubleshooting. You can also try reinstalling the curl libraries or Git itself, or seek assistance from an experienced developer or system administrator. Don’t give up – with persistence and the right guidance, you’ll get that pesky binary up and running in no time!