Unraveling the Mystery: DESFire EV1 Change Key #1 Yields Integrity Error after Successful Auth with AMK #0
Image by Gotthart - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery: DESFire EV1 Change Key #1 Yields Integrity Error after Successful Auth with AMK #0

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’ve stumbled upon a frustrating issue with your DESFire EV1 smart card. Specifically, when attempting to change Key #1, you’re met with an infamous “Integrity Error” despite successfully authenticating with Authentication Master Key (AMK) #0. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the possible causes, troubleshooting steps, and ultimate solutions to overcome this hurdle.

The Anatomy of DESFire EV1 and Keys

To better understand the problem, let’s first review the basics of DESFire EV1 and its key structure. DESFire EV1 is a widely used contactless smart card that employs a hierarchical key structure, consisting of:

  • Authentication Master Key (AMK): The highest-level key, used for authentication and access control.
  • Application Master Key (AppMK): Derived from the AMK, the AppMK is used for specific applications.
  • Data Encryption Key (DEK): Used for encrypting data.

In our scenario, we’re focused on changing Key #1, which is a DEK derived from the AMK.

Symptoms and Possible Causes

The symptoms are clear: after successfully authenticating with AMK #0, attempting to change Key #1 results in an “Integrity Error.” This error can occur due to various reasons, including:

  • Incorrect key formats or lengths: Ensure that the new key adheres to the DESFire EV1 specifications (16 bytes for DEKs).
  • Key corruption or mismatch: Verify that the AMK #0 is correctly set and matches the one used during authentication.
  • Insufficient access rights: Confirm that the current authentication session has the necessary permissions to modify Key #1.
  • Sequence of commands or timing issues: Check the command sequence and timing to ensure that the change key operation is executed correctly.

Troubleshooting Steps

Before diving into the solution, let’s take a step back and follow a methodical approach to identify the root cause:

  1. Verify the AMK #0 configuration and ensure it matches the one used during authentication.

    GET_KEY_PARAMETER(Key_No=0,Param_No=1); // Retrieve AMK #0

  2. Check the current access rights and permissions:

    GET_CURRENT_PERMISSION(); // Retrieve current permissions

  3. Review the command sequence and timing:

          // Example command sequence
          Authenticate(AMK #0);

Solution: Step-by-Step Guide to Changing Key #1

Now that we’ve ruled out potential causes, let’s proceed with the solution:

Prepare the New Key

Generate a new DEK (Key #1) that meets the DESFire EV1 specifications (16 bytes). You can use a tool like OpenSSL to create a random key:

openssl rand -out new_key.bin 16

Authenticate with AMK #0

Authenticate with the existing AMK #0 to establish a secure session:

Authenticate(AMK #0);

Change Key #1

Use the following command to change Key #1:


Verify the Key Change

Confirm that the key change was successful by retrieving the new Key #1:

GET_KEY_PARAMETER(Key_No=1,Param_No=1); // Retrieve new Key #1

Command Description
Authenticate(AMK #0) Authenticate with AMK #0 to establish a secure session
Change_Key(Key_No=1,New_Key_Data=new_key.bin) Change Key #1 to the new DEK
GET_KEY_PARAMETER(Key_No=1,Param_No=1) Retrieve the new Key #1 to verify the change

Additional Tips and Considerations

In addition to the solution above, keep the following in mind:

  • Key management best practices: Ensure secure storage and handling of keys, and follow a key rotation schedule to maintain security.
  • Command execution and timing: Verify that commands are executed in the correct sequence and with appropriate timing to avoid errors.
  • Smart card configuration and settings: Review the DESFire EV1 configuration and settings to ensure they align with your use case and security requirements.

By following this comprehensive guide, you should now be able to successfully change Key #1 on your DESFire EV1 smart card without encountering the “Integrity Error” issue. Remember to stay vigilant about key management, command execution, and smart card configuration to ensure the security and integrity of your system.

Happy troubleshooting!

Frequently Asked Question

Get the answers to your DESFire EV1 conundrums!

Why does changing Key #1 on DESFire EV1 yield an Integrity Error after successful authentication with AMK #0?

This error occurs when the authentication session with AMK #0 is still active. To resolve this, you need to cancel the current authentication session before attempting to change Key #1. Try sending a “Cancel” or “Reset” command to the card before making the key change.

What is the role of AMK #0 in DESFire EV1 key management?

AMK #0, or the Application Master Key, serves as the root key for the entire DESFire EV1 system. It is used to derive other keys, including the Key #1 you’re trying to change. Think of AMK #0 as the “godfather” of all keys – you need to authenticate with it first to make any changes to the key hierarchy.

Can I use a different authentication key instead of AMK #0 to change Key #1?

Unfortunately, no. AMK #0 is the only key that can be used to change Key #1. This is a security feature designed to ensure that only authorized entities with access to the Application Master Key can make changes to the key hierarchy. So, make sure you have the correct credentials before attempting to make any changes!

What are the consequences of ignoring the Integrity Error and proceeding with the key change?

Oh no, don’t do that! If you ignore the Integrity Error and force the key change, you risk corrupting the entire key hierarchy, leaving your DESFire EV1 system in an inconsistent state. This can lead to unpredictable behavior, security vulnerabilities, and even render your system unusable. Always respect the error messages and follow the proper procedures to avoid these consequences!

Is there a way to automate the process of changing Key #1 on DESFire EV1?

Yes, you can use a smart card management system or a programming interface to automate the process of changing Key #1. These tools can handle the low-level details, such as canceling the current authentication session and sending the correct commands to the card. However, be sure to carefully review the documentation and test the process thoroughly to avoid any potential issues.